Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 1 with Kent and Anne

Kent and Anne came out to see some of the beauty of the Pacific NW (and maybe us too).  We only had 4 full days to squeeze in what we could, and we managed to squeeze in a lot.  The vacation started off great!  I locked my keys in the truck in the rain soon after picking them up from the airport.  Fortunately Leshia left her window open a little and we were able to retrieve the keys.

We camped at Seaquest St Park the first night and headed up Mt St. Helens the next morning. This bridge was on the edge of the blast zone about 30 miles out from the peak.  Most everything within that 30 miles died.


Kent's a pretty friendly guy!

View from Johnston Observatory.

31 years later, things are greening up but the devastation still shows.

Here you can Johnston Observatory in the background where we started our hike.

Spirit Lake.

That night we camped right on the ocean at South Beach.

We were getting ready to go watch the sunset when Kent got really excited!  It turns out there were a couple grey whales jumping near the shore!  By the time I got my camera they had swam out a ways and this is all I captured.  I was zoomed way in guessing where they would come up and just couldn't get a good pic in time.  Bummer.

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