Saturday, September 26, 2009

Table Mountain Hike

We have been having awesome weather lately so we decided to take a hike with the whole family today. We went up Table Mountain from the Artist Point parking lot. It was an absolutely fantastic day! The kids all did great with no complaining and they really enjoyed hiking. The trail was steep and scary looking in a few spots where we really had to hold on tight to the kids, but it only took about 45 minutes to get up. Sure beats the 8 hour hike Leshia and I did last time!

Come on Mom, You can do it!

Camerons prize find: a large mushroom

I suggested that we take a pic of the girls smooching too, so Nikkin ran off and Courtney tackled Cameron to the ground to kiss her.

Cameron scrambling to the top.

The girls chased this little guy around for a while. It was smarter than them, as it led them away and then circled around and stole some of Cameron's sandwich.

Courtney and I went off on our own on a second little hike as Leshia and Cameron were pretty tired by now.

That's it folks!

This is what the kids are doing a lot these days: playing on the computer. I brought home an older one from work and put on some Nintendo and Sega games for them (download for free online)

We (and by we I mean Leshia) watched John and Thomas for a couple days while C&B were visiting the Grand Canyon. I think John is a little better at swinging than Thomas.