Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bald Eagles, Babes, and Barns!

We decided to go on a drive today because it was so nice (about 60). We wanted to find some bald eagles and I decided I would take pics of old barns that we came across as well as there are alot of them around. (And of course, we had to find some place where the kids could throw rocks into the river) I knew a couple of spots that I was sure we would find eagles because they are on my recycling routes. Enjoy!

Hmm Hmm Hmm, minding my own business

Hey, what's that?


So what's up? Got any treats?

The barn across the street from us.

And of course, the one in our back yard.

1 comment:

danawynn said...

nice pics. your getting better:) i love the closest one of the horse. and ya'll have some sweet barns i need to explore.